Risk Management


FIRM yearbook 2020

From machine learning to risk culture

The digital revolution is advancing. Technological developments are rapid and are changing the way we get information and communicate. In the age of digitalisation, it's only right that the ninth…

RiskNET [Editor-in-chief]
Photo Gallery

Machine learning and risk analytics

Predicting risks more effectively

Artificial intelligence (AI) and increasingly complex algorithms currently influence our livesand our civilization more than ever. AI creates huge opportunities for businesses globally across all…

RiskNET [Editor-in-chief]
Photo Gallery

Emerging risks

Better risk navigation through early risk identification

What direction is mobility developing in? What cyber risks are lying in wait for companies? Are radical trends contributing to increasing division in society? What risks are caused by increasing…

RiskNET [Editor-in-chief]

Central banking and financial stability in the age…

The green swan

Climate change poses new challenges to central banks, regulators and supervisors. A new book, published by the BIS (Bank for International Settlements), reviews ways of addressing these new risks…

RiskNET [Editor-in-chief]

Evolution of the biodiversity loss risk

Nature Risks on the Rise

Although the world's 7.6 billion people represent only 0.01% of all living things by weight, humanity has already caused the loss of 83% of all wild mammals and half of all plants. The current…

RiskNET [Editor-in-chief]

Annual Risk Report

Top 10 Supply Chain Risks for 2019

Supply chain risk management company Resilience360 has released its first annual Risk Report, which outlines the Top 10 Supply Chain Risks for 2019 – a summary of threats that deserve particular…

RiskNET [Editor-in-chief]

A perfect risk world - or not?

Of simple stories and big risks

People love stories and simple truths. The "halo effect" has already been extensively researched in the field of behavioural economics. In everyday business life in particular, this effect ensures…

Christian Glaser

Natural Catastrophe Preparedness

Master the Disaster

When natural disaster catches a company under-prepared, the chief financial officer is increasingly on the hot seat to break the bad financial news to shareholders and investors.

That according…

RiskNET [Editor-in-chief]

Natural disasters and man-made catastrophes

Global insured losses from disaster events in 2017 were the highest ever

Total global economic losses from natural and man-made disasters in 2017 were USD 337 billion, almost double the losses in 2016 and the second highest on record, the latest sigma study from the…

RiskNET [Editor-in-chief]

Defective product risk

Product recall risks growing in size and number

Samsung recalled 2.5 million Galaxy Note 7 phones after users reported flames and explosions caused by overheating batteries (estimated cost: $5bn+). Automaker, Toyota issued a recall on over…

RiskNET [Editor-in-chief]

Influence of 'risk talk'

RiskTalk: can a better conversation help fend off disaster?

We often respond to blunders such as the explosion on BP's Deepwater Horizon, the collapse of Lehman Brothers, and the Volkswagen emissions scandal by asking: What were they thinking? But before…

Anette Mikes

Country risk

Global sector risks in precarious balance

At the end of 2016, global sector trends remained mixed, including in the regions that until now have been relatively spared by the increase in risks. Over the whole year, across 12 sectors…

RiskNET [Editor-in-chief]

RiskMap 2017

A Year of Acute Uncertainty

The central theme of the RiskMap 2017 is the challenge to globalisation and free trade and how businesses can adapt and thrive in these changing times. Donald Trump’s triumph in the United States…

RiskNET [Editor-in-chief]

Understanding decision-making in risk workshops

Risk Management and Calculative Cultures

Analyzing risks in organizations often requires the collaboration of many individuals that can provide relevant insights regarding these risks. Risk workshops provide a structured process for such…

Editorial team RiskNET

Risk analysis

Precious metals on defensive ahead of busy central bank week

Precious metals have been back on the defensive this past week with the shake-out in both bonds and stocks hurting the general level of the appetite for risk in the market. Next week's central…

Ole Hansen [Saxo Bank]

Commodities Risk Analysis

Most commodities up but oil plays yo-yo

The Bloomberg Commodity Index, which tracks the performance of 20 major commodities split evenly between energy, metals and agriculture, continues to show a gain of more than 10% in the year to…

Ole Hansen [Saxo Bank]

World economy facing "Japanese-style" growth trap

World corporate risk reaches peak levels

Since the international growth scenario announced by Coface last March, prospects have deteriorated slightly, and growth would appear to remain below 3% in 2016 for the 6th consecutive year.…

RiskNET [Editor-in-chief]

Gold rallies on bond-yields collapse, Brexit

Rising event risk

Commodities continued their strong ascent with broad-based gains across most sectors with the exception of industrial metals. Towards the end of another strong week, however, some profit taking…

Ole Hansen [Saxo Bank]

Risk Analysis

Crude oil now at risk of deeper correction

The commodity sector was trading close to unchanged for a second week. Weakness in energy and especially precious metals was offset by gains across the agriculture and industrial metal sectors. …

Ole Hansen [Saxo Bank]

2016 FM Global Resilience Index

Lower Oil Prices and Threat of Terrorism Impacting Global Supply Chain Resilience

Supply chain resilience is vital to robust business performance. Threats to resilience—such as depressed oil prices, natural catastrophes and the spread of terrorism—are keeping financial…

RiskNET [Editor-in-chief]

Greed eats brains

FTX as Enron anno 2022?

No sooner had new CEO John J. Ray III taken over at the insolvent crypto exchange FTX than he described the situation as a "unprecedented situation", with a total failure of corporate governance. This…

Christian Glaser | Frank Romeike
Risk Academy

The seminars of the RiskAcademy® focus on methods and instruments for evolutionary and revolutionary ways in risk management.

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