Excellence in Risk Management & Compliance

RiskNET Summit 2016

RiskNET Summit 2016: Excellence in Risk Management & Compliance Bildstrecke

"Spectrum." The dictionary definition includes a "rich variety". Delegates at the RiskNET Summit 2016 at Schloss Hohenkammer on 8 and 9 November experienced the huge range of issues involved in risk man- agement, The range of themes covered everything from geopolitical issues and country risks to risks relat- ing to Industry 4.0 and risk management methods through to the disaster society and natural hazards.
The quintessence of the two-day professional conference was that risk management is heading in the right direction in some areas – in terms of methods and strategies. But there remains lots to do in a world full of risks. What are the major deficiencies? Awareness and a genuine risk culture in organisations. Whether there will be improvements in these areas? We will see. Some of the answers will be provided by the next RiskNET Summit at Schloss Hohenkammer near Munich on 24 and 25 October 2017.

Host Frank Romeike from RiskNET ...

Host Frank Romeike from RiskNET ...

... and in a combined speech with Christoph Schwager (RiskNET advisory council and former Chief Risk Officer of Airbus Group).

... and in a combined speech with Christoph Schwager (RiskNET advisory council and former Chief Risk Officer of Airbus Group).

The focus was on interaction, communication and orientation.

The focus was on interaction, communication and orientation.

Prof. Martin Grothe (dcif), on weak signals and the new risk of (the digitalisation of) misinformation.

Prof. Martin Grothe (dcif), on weak signals and the new risk of (the digitalisation of) misinformation.

"There are not many green shoots ...". Dr. Mario Jung (Coface): "The global economic situation remains murky."

"There are not many green shoots ...". Dr. Mario Jung (Coface): "The global economic situation remains murky."

Samuel Brandstätter from avedos during his keynote talk as part of the podium discussion on "Turning risk into results".

Samuel Brandstätter from avedos during his keynote talk as part of the podium discussion on "Turning risk into results".

Dr. Manfred Stallinger (Crisam) during the podium discussion.

Dr. Manfred Stallinger (Crisam) during the podium discussion.

"Compliance and risk management in family companies" with the example of Lindner Hotels. The speaker was Janina Oberkersch.

"Compliance and risk management in family companies" with the example of Lindner Hotels. The speaker was Janina Oberkersch.

Adrian Clements, Risk Manager at ArcelorMittal, with a different look at standard risk management issues.

Adrian Clements, Risk Manager at ArcelorMittal, with a different look at standard risk management issues.

Publicist and non-fiction author Prof. Ulrich Teusch on the disaster society.

Publicist and non-fiction author Prof. Ulrich Teusch on the disaster society.

Lydia Bolck, Board Member at Direct Line Insurance AG.

Lydia Bolck, Board Member at Direct Line Insurance AG.

Networking in the break ...

Networking in the break ...

... and at the evening event.

... and at the evening event.

The well-known expert in international security policy, Dr. Günther Schmid, and his view of a world with no world order.

The well-known expert in international security policy, Dr. Günther Schmid, and his view of a world with no world order.

Light on, light off. Marco Di Filippo from KORAMIS and his hacking demonstration for Industry 4.0 at the RiskNET Summit 2016.

Light on, light off. Marco Di Filippo from KORAMIS and his hacking demonstration for Industry 4.0 at the RiskNET Summit 2016.

"Operational risk management – Barriers and practical experience", Sebastian Schlaf and Stefan Koppold (MAN), from left.

"Operational risk management – Barriers and practical experience", Sebastian Schlaf and Stefan Koppold (MAN), from left.

Bernd Hoffmann ...

Bernd Hoffmann ...

... and Michael Krause (Allianz) on compliance as a win/win factor for insurers and customers.

... and Michael Krause (Allianz) on compliance as a win/win factor for insurers and customers.

Always worth a speech. Prof. Werner Gleißner (Future Value Group) with his theme: "Strategic risk management, risk policy and robust companies".

Always worth a speech. Prof. Werner Gleißner (Future Value Group) with his theme: "Strategic risk management, risk policy and robust companies".

"Geo-intelligence – Risk management for natural hazards", Andreas Siebert, Head of Geospatial Solutions at Munich Re.

"Geo-intelligence – Risk management for natural hazards", Andreas Siebert, Head of Geospatial Solutions at Munich Re.

[ Bildquelle Titelbild: Stefan Heigl / RiskNET GmbH / Bild oben: Schloss Hohenkammer ]
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