FIRM Yearbook 2023

Risk management is becoming a key competence

FIRM Yearbook 2023: Risk management is becoming a key competence News

How do we manage risks? In a time overshadowed by crises, the question of how to properly manage risks is omnipresent. Energy crisis, danger of a blackout, inflation risks, the great concern for national security in times of war and, of course, the ever-present fear about the climate. 

These are existential risks that are currently burdening many people. There will be no easy solutions - that much is certain. This makes it all the more important to mobilise all those in politics, business and society who can organise change as "change agents". Why is risk management becoming a key competence?

In the current FIRM Yearbook 2023, authors from science and practice explore this question. Current topics such as ESG and sustainability, hybrid working models, credit risks and risks to the world order are addressed in 14 expert contributions by renowned authors. In addition, current studies by the Frankfurt Institute for Risk Management and Regulation are presented.


[ Bildquelle Titelbild: Adobe ]
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