

The importance of the right process

Improving risk workshops

Risk workshops are a collaborative and structured effort to identify and analyze potential risks that an organization may face. A risk workshop brings together stakeholders, subject-matter…

Editorial team RiskNET

Financial stability in the Corona crisis

Actual solvency of banks concealed   

Easing the burden on banks in the Corona crisis so that the economy remains liquid is the declared goal that the European Central Bank (ECB), as the central supervisor in the Single Supervisory…

Editorial team RiskNET

GPT-4 exploited 87% of vulnerabilities

LLM and their emerging role in cybersecurity

An actual study demonstrates that large language models (LLMs), particularly GPT-4, can autonomously exploit one-day vulnerabilities in real-world systems with an 87% success rate when provided with…

Editorial team RiskNET
Risk Academy

The seminars of the RiskAcademy® focus on methods and instruments for evolutionary and revolutionary ways in risk management.

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