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The internal ratings based approach (IRB) of the Basel Committee has three problems: few incentives for banks to adopt the IRB approach, a complicated technical framework and very conservative aggregation rules. We suggest the following remedies: First, we suggest a new design of transition rules that produce strong incentives for banks to adopt the IRB approach. Second, we outline a lean IRB approach which is simpler and avoids adjustments and caps that are difficult to justify. This approach can be flexibly calibrated to proxy any IRB approach. Third, we suggest a simple aggregation rule for capital requirements across portfolio segments that takes the diversification effect across segments into account.
Wehrspohn 9107 Downloads29.12.2005
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Der Artikel liefert eine Herleitung der Formeln für die Risikogewichte in den Baseler Konsultationsdokumenten und zeigt Wege auf, wie die Verfahren vereinfacht und an typische Risikoprofile von Kreditportfolien angepasst werden können. Zur Illustration werden die Ergebnisse auf echte Portfolien angewendet.
Wehrspohn 12651 Downloads29.12.2005
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One of the main components of the credit risk management of individual clients is the correct risk and cost adjusted pricing of financial products on the background of a financial institution's profitability targets. The article derives pricing formulas for fixed rate bonds, i.e. for zero bonds, straight bonds, and amortizing bonds, and for European options that consider the exact cash flow structure of the products and integrate refinance costs, costs of risk, costs of equity and production expenses. Finally, we show how the results can be integrated in a bank's internal funds transfer pricing methodology.
Wehrspohn 9138 Downloads29.12.2005
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ESG risks and opportunities are highly relevant as causes and drivers for positive or negative scenarios with a significant impact on a company's reputation or intangible assets. The following article deals with the relevance and assessment of ESG risks in practice. Special emphasis is placed on explaining the importance of stochastic simulation methods that enable a quantitative assessment of complex systems, such as environmental systems or social systems.
Romeike 5443 Downloads
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Rückblick RiskNET Summit 2022

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Interview mit Professor em. Dr. Günther Schmid

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Interview mit Profi-Bergsteiger David Göttler

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Interview mit Dr. Alexander Fink (ScMI)

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Interview mit Oberstleutnant Thorsten Kodalle (Führungsakademie der Bundeswehr)

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Rückblick und Impressionen RiskNET Summit 2021

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Interview mit Tom Theisejans, IT-Notfallbeauftragter, Deutsche Bahn Konzern

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Interview mit Prof. Schmid: Globaler Ordnungsanspruch, made in China

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Interview mit Dr. Christian Glaser: Wirecard & Co.: Warum sich große Betrugsfälle immer wieder ereignen

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Interview mit Prof. Dr. Michael Huth zu Risiken in der Supply Chain

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Rückblick und Impressionen RiskNET Summit 2020

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Interview mit Prof. Dr. Jürgen Döllner, Hasso-Plattner-Institut (HPI), Universität Potsdam

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Interview mit Prof. Dr. Günther Schmid, vormals Bundesnachrichtendienst

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Dialog zwischen Harald Philipp, Mountainbike Abenteurer und Frank Romeike, Gründer des Kompetenzportals RiskNET

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Interview mit Tamara Lunger über die Gratwanderung auf den höchsten Bergen der Welt

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